Letter to Students


Dear Students,


…What you can expect from me…


  1. In my classroom, you can expect me to be fair and consistent.  I will treat everyone as an individual, but I will treat everyone equally.


  1. I will respect you and the faculty and staff of the entire school; I will not gossip about other students or faculty to them or around them.  This lowers my credibility and makes me look foolish.


  1. You can expect me to care about your personal well being.  This includes emotional, physical, and academic well being.  I want you to do well in life.


  1. You can expect me to maintain safety and security.  By keeping discipline problems at a minimum, I can help you feel safer within my classroom and the school itself.


  1. You can expect me to challenge you.  No one demands students to rise to low expectations.  By challenging you, you will meet my high expectations of you.


…What I expect from you…


  1. I expect you to read and follow all instructions given in this packet of information.  And to ask questions regarding anything you do not understand.


  1. I expect you to be ready to learn.  This includes being prepared for class.  It also includes coming to class with an open mind.


  1. I want you to follow all rules but especially to respect both your fellow classmates and me.  This kind of environment facilitates good behavior and learning.


  1. You should be ready for a challenge and should be ready to challenge.  I want you to make up your mind about a subject.


We are going to have a FABULOUS year!  I certainly invite you to reach for the BEST IN YOU!!






Mrs. Richey