Letter to Parents

Dear Parent/Guardian,


Welcome to a new year full of grand potential for your child’s best school year yet!! 


The study of mathematics can be exciting and rewarding or dull and frustrating.  Your child’s experience in mathematics will be a direct result of the attitude and effort with which he or she approaches the subject.  Learning mathematics, like learning a foreign language, a musical instrument, or an athletic skill, requires consistent long-term practice to develop and to maintain mastery of the requisite skills.  Positive attitude and commitment to this long-term practice greatly improve the chances for progression through higher-level mathematics courses.


Through our combined efforts, your child can experience success!!!  Your involvement is crucial.  This involvement begins by reading carefully the attached material outlining my expectations for my class and returning the last page of this packet, the Parent/Student/Teacher Contract.


I do not send out progress reports due to iNOW.  If you have not utilized this very useful feedback tool, I urge you to contact the guidance department to receive a password.  This will allow you to see your child’s progress on a daily basis. If you do not have access to the Internet and wish to receive a midterm report each grading period, please let me know and I will be happy to comply.  Close communication is encouraged and will help us in the early stages to resolve any problems that your child might be experiencing.


Also, expect me to contact you when necessary.  If you have any questions or need assistance, the best way for you to contact me is by email at Ginger.Richey@dcs.edu.  I check my email at the beginning and end of each day.  You may also reach me by calling your child’s counselor and they will leave me a message to contact you.


I am looking forward to this school year and working with your child to help ensure his or her success!






Ginger Richey, NBCT, EdS

Mathematics Department Head

Algebra & Geometry Teacher